Monday, October 8, 2012

The Ugly Stage

I've noticed that in the preliminary stages of a painting's life, it never looks very good. In fact, it often looks like complete shit. But the objective in the beginning stages of a painting is not to make it look good, but rather to map out what is important in your piece. For example, this painting was started yesterday. I mapped out where the shapes and lines would be, where the darkest values would fall, and the color palette:

Triadic color scheme...
1. Shadow and Sky: 2:1 Dioxazine Purple and Pthalo Blue
2. Irony Soil: 3:1:1 Burnt Sienna, Cadmium Red, Pyrrole Orange
3. Foliage: Chromium Oxide Green (dulled down with a dab of #2)

Elephant painted with: Titanium white plus #1 and #2